"*" indicates required fields


  • This form should take about 10 minutes to fill out.

  • We recommend filling the form all at once because so the form does not “time out” which might cause you to lose your work.

  • We recommend you write your description and find your desired photo before you start this form.


  • Your featured image must be at least 750 pixels wide. If it does not meet the minimum pixel requirements, you will not be able to upload it. Click here to learn how to find your image’s pixel width on a Mac and click here to learn how to find your image’s pixel width on a PC.

  • Your image should be horizontal/landscape.

  • Thank you!

    Feather River Tourism Association

    Questions? Contact Sharon Roberts at 530.736.6188 or sharon.roberts@discoverplumascounty.org


    For internal purposes


    Note that you will need https:// before www in order for your URL to be accepted

    Regional Info

    Please select which community your business is in or closest to.

    General Information

    What type of business or service are you?*
    Please select which seasons you are open.*
    If you are open year-round, select all three.


    Write a short description of your business. Treat this like a short ad to entice visitors to choose your listing over the other listings. You do not need to include your name as part of the short description because your name will already appear above the listing. It might be helpful to include the areas of Plumas County where you work.

    • Professional fishing guide service for Truckee, Donner Lake and Stampede Reservoir, with guided trips for Mackinaw, Kokanee and Trout.
    • We have over 60 years of hunting experience and strive for 100% success rate. We offer day and multi-day trips throughout Plumas County.
    • As a certified Golf Instructor, I help players of all levels hone their skills and improve their game.


    Do not upload a logo or an image with any text on it. Instead, use a photo that will help people understand what your business offers (i.e. someone catching a fish, pictures of flowers, etc).

    If you upload an image with text on it, your listing may be rejected.

    Your photo should be landscape (i.e. 3:2 ratio) that will be used as the image for your business listing. Min size: 750pixels wide
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, Max. file size: 8 MB, Max. files: 1.