Plumas Arts is honored to take this opportunity to inspire our local communities to be inspired and act on behalf of the environment. The Wild & Scenic Film Festival works with groups across the globe to host tour venues as a way to outreach into their communities and bring together a diverse audience. The goal is to use film to inspire activism.
Plumas Arts hopes to use the festival to increase a better community understanding of the connection we share with the planet and our roles as stewards to keep it healthy.
Come join us for an evening of fun, camaraderie, food and drink, and a great prize drawing to round out the event! The prize drawing will feature some items from our national sponsors and a few big items donated from the Patagonia Outlet in Reno. Your ticket for the film fest is your entry for the prize drawing and additional entries will be available for purchase at the event.
Tickets will launch closer to the event date.