Dave Earl

Dave Earl Blues Duo


Feb 23
6:30 pm


The Drunk Brush
436 Main St (in Grover Alley)


South Central Plumas

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8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Plumas County Fairgrounds

Join the shakers and movers (literally) of Quincy for a night of fun, frolic and unabashed entertainment! The Quincy Star Follies is a family cabaret featuring local folks.

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The Lost Sierra

Participating artists come from far and wide to spend a week painting the Lost Sierra from life. Don't miss the Artist Street Fair on Saturday the 17th in downtown Quincy.

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7:00 am - 2:00 pm
Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds

Join SBTS for our fun-filled Epic Weekend in Quincy, where the food and beer are covered for our beloved SBTS volunteers. RSVP sooner than later as these “sell-out”!

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Places to stay nearby

We’re not a five star accommodation but we are the jewel of the Sierra Mountains. Clean, comfortable and with many amenities.


Located in the heart of downtown Quincy. Walk to shops, restaurants, brewery, and live entertainment. Daily and extended stay rates.


Has a small-town atmosphere that will refresh your spirit. Enjoy watching the sunset over Spanish Peak from your own porch.